Monday, September 29, 2008


My wife's computer was stolen, with all her recent PhD research and a whole load of my photos on it... not so good. Thankfully it was fully insured, So we will get a new one soon. On a more positive note I am going to be a part of the new Fitzroy market.. will write more when I know what  I'm doing with it. The market at this point is not fully defined and there isn't a launch date but it will be a great way to get more exposure.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Calling all viewers (readers)

Maybe I'm a luddite but its hard to work out how many people actually read this thing.. I know I get a few hits a day, but I don't know how many people if any actually regularly read it. Please leave me a comment with some feedback (either way) if you regularly read my blog, I need some affirmation please

Elizabeth Street Commuting

Originally uploaded by

Scotchmer Street

Tuesday, September 9, 2008